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作者:admin 来源: 日期:2014/10/14 14:07:28 人气: 标签:耐高温油漆
The preparation of polymer cement based waterproof coating: first waterproof coating (in accordance with the modifier: cement =10.8 weight ratio) in preparation, in a blender until a uniform mixture containing pellets of subtle, not the use of ingredients, quantity according to complete the arrangement of engineering surface and the time of labor, with good material shall be finished in 40 minutes in. 4 node location strengthening treatment: according to the design or specification requirements on the node location (yin yang angle, construction joints, floor drain) coating polymer cement based waterproof coating reinforced layer, the middle matrix material coating added enhancement.
5 surface layer scraping polymer cement based waterproof coating: vertical and horizontal direction coated polymer cement based waterproof coating, coating should be in the former after coating is dry but not work when the construction (general, between the two layers of about 24 hours) to finger nonstick prevail. 6 waterproof layer head:
聚合物水泥基防水涂料收头采用多遍涂刷或用密封材料封严 7组织验收。四)注意事项:1每层涂覆时应先进行测验,测定每m2涂料用量,施工时应按测定的用量取料。2覆醮料应均匀,要求前后左右多次刷滚均匀,不能局部有沉积,立面、斜面涂刷应从上往下,防止流坠或过厚。
Polymer cement based waterproof coating head many times using coating or sealing material for sealing the 7 organizations acceptance. Four) Note: 1 each layer should first test, measured per m2 paint usage, construction should according to the determination of the amount of reclaimer. Should be evenly coated 2 jiao expected, the requirements around multiple brush roll uniform, not local deposition, elevation, slope down brushing should, prevent sagging or too thick.
Compound 3 has a gel or conjunctiva may not continue to use or incorporation of new material with the use of. 4 product protection: waterproof coating fully cured after the acceptance of qualified, should timely film protection work, to prevent damage to the follow-up process on the film, thus affecting the overall performance of the waterproof layer of waterproof, should strengthen the relevant construction personnel education work, the formation of consciousness product protection consciousness, and take corresponding measures, and ensure the waterproof property layer.
质量检验标准及方法 主控项目 1聚合物防水砂浆改性剂必须符合设计要求和规范规定。检验方法:检查出厂合格证、质量检验报告、计量措施和现场抽样复验报告。2涂料防水层严禁有渗漏现象。检验方法:观察检查或淋水、蓄水检验。3涂料防水层及其细部做法必须符合设计要求和规范规定。
Quality inspection standard and method of the main control program of 1 polymer waterproof mortar modifier must comply with the design requirements and norms. Test method: the inspection certificate of quality, inspection reports, measure and field sampling reinspection report. 2 waterproof coating is strictly prohibited to have leakage phenomenon. Test methods: observing examination or spraying of water, water storage test. 3 waterproof coating and the detail procedure must meet the design requirements and norms.